Monday, June 06, 2005

BJJ Move #8: In Guard: Passing: High Pass (a/k/a stacking pass)

Now that you've broken your opponent's legs apart, you're standing in his guard with his feet unclasped.
So far, so good.
Now, to move to a more advantageous position.

WARNING! These techniques could result in serious injury or death if practiced incorrectly or even if performed correctly. They should only be practiced with the supervision of an experienced instructor.

In Guard: Passing: High Pass (a/k/a stacking pass):

Once his guard is broken (your right hand was planted on his chest when you started), squat low again.
One opportunity for this is when your opponent prevents the low pass (next BJJ move post) by pushing away to create space.
Bring your left elbow in tight to your hip, continuing to control his right leg. Put your right hand between his legs and around his left thigh, grabbing at his belt.
Kick your right leg back to get his leg over your shoulder, not just across your upper arm (for more leverage).
Put your weight forward onto his left leg, collapsing it onto him (try to touch his left knee to his nose). If your opponent is wearing a gi, put your right hand deep into his right lapel, choking him a bit with your forearm as you come around (a few steps ahead).
Keep his right knee pinned to the mat with your left hand. This prevents him from putting you in the triangle choke, always a hazard when you have one arm in and the other out.
Now push your weight onto him, folding his leg against his chest. When he is stacked up a bit, switch your left hand so it’s behind his butt / lower back. Now circle slowly to your right (counterclockwise).
When you're around a bit, switch your left arm to the back of his left leg and put your leg on the other side.
Keep circling until you have cross side (this move to come in a few days). Do not just throw his leg to your left and speed over to his side or you’ll end up back in his guard-—throw your hips forward, gluing them to his so he can’t put your back in guard.

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