Thursday, July 21, 2005

Home Game #1 Recap

Last night I held a home game-- the first Big Game of Brooklyn Rooftop Poker.

A bunch of friends--law school and otherwise--came, climbed onto my roof, brought extension cords, and played on my un-casino-like card tables.

There was a gorgeous blood-red moonrise over Park Slope.
We ate some amazing (if drippy) kebab and falafel sandiches from Zaytoons.
Then, the chips started to fly!

A number of beginners came, and, despite picking up the rules very quickly, are now stinging from losing their $4 or $5 bankrolls and plotting their comebacks, enrolling in Poker University and putting "Rounders" onto their Netflix queues.

We also had some very sharp play from "Bootlegger" and "Cool Hand."
Also, "Lady J" showed us how to play dead cards with good humor, while "Mathlete" (a/k/a "Jack Roy" of Litotical Construct) explained the majesty and power of the "all-evens" straight (2468T).
No, that is not a hand.

Beer, fresh air, cards, even ice cream sandwiches (courtesy of Tenderfoot) made it a night to remember.


Anonymous said...

Mathlete? Oh, man. From now on, you I shall call, "Embrodak." You have some stupid and terrible names.

The Litvak said...

Well, "Mathlete" was mostly a reference to the all-evens straight. I think your poker nickname going forward will be "Old Testament."