Monday, August 15, 2005

BJJ Move #52: Cross Side Neck Cranks

From cross side, there are a number of ways to hyperextend your opponent's neck. Needless to say, you have to really watch for a tap here even more than for a choke or lock on a limb to avoid injuring someone's neck.

WARNING! These techniques could result in serious injury or death if practiced incorrectly or even if performed correctly. They should only be practiced with the supervision of an experienced instructor.

Cross Side Neck Cranks:

1) Neck Crank #1:
You have cross side on your opponent's right side, with the "underclasp" grip around his head and left arm (“mune gatame”).
Release your hands and sneak your right hand up your opponent’s chest, moving it toward his head.
With your left upper arm still behind his head, clasp your left hand over your right hand.
Turn onto your right hip (“switch your base”), pull his head forward towards his belly with your left forearm, and fold your right forearm in parallel to your left so it’s across his throat, forming the fulcrum for a very uncomfortable neck crank / choke.
Do not pull your opponent’s back off the ground, just lift his neck.
It is difficult to get Neck Crank #1 without moving your opponent’s right arm out of the way; he will use it to block the neck crank.
From side mount on your opponent’s right, switch to knee on belly, right knee on his stomach.
Now slide your left shin over his right arm and back into side mount and apply the neck crank.

2) Neck Crank #2:
You have cross side on your opponent's right side, with the "underclasp" grip around his head and left arm (“mune gatame”).
Plant your left hand on the ground and use your right arm to hook under your opponent’s right arm as close to the armpit as possible (from under his right arm on the outside to over his chest from his armpit).
Get to your knees, moving about 45 degrees toward the North & South position.
Wrap your left arm behind your opponent’s head (under his head from his right and then over his neck from his left) and place it palm down into your right hand, clasping them together.
Now push forward towards your opponent’s feet, levering his chin towards his chest (by raising your left arm / elbow-crook against the back of his neck) for a neck crank.

3) Neck Crank #3:
You have cross side on your opponent's right side, with the "underclasp" grip around his head and left arm (“mune gatame”).
Your right arm goes under his left armpit with your right shoulder pretty far across his chest, to hold his weight down. A good opportunity for this move is when your opponent lifts his head off the ground.
Wrap your left arm around his head guillotine-style (from his left ear, behind his head, to his right ear, with your hand near your own left ribs/hip). If you are wearing a gi, grab your own right lapel with your left hand to make your grip much stronger.
Wrap your right arm under his left arm in a tight underhook, bringing your right hand toward your own left shoulder.
Keeping your weight on his ribcage to keep him from sitting up with you, switch your hips out so your right hip is on the mat and feet are off to your left, facing past his head.
Pull his head with your left arm up off the mat and turn to look over your own left shoulder for a neck crank.
The neck crank is tighter if you grab around his chin.
Do not pull your opponent’s back off the ground; just lift his neck.

4) Neck Crank #4:
You have cross side on your opponent's right side, with the "underclasp" grip around his head and left arm (“mune gatame”).
Get good shoulder pressure on his head to turn it to his left.
With your left hand, grasp underneath his left shoulder.
Use your right hand to move his right elbow and push it to your left, then use your left knee to push it farther left, so it’s next to his head (as long as your knee’s back in close and it’s on the left of your leg, it’s out of the way, and OK). You can also clear his knee several other ways, such as using your right knee, then your left knee (especially if his arm is up on his body); hipping out; etc.
Move your left hand, in a fist, onto the top of his left shoulder, and touch it to the ground just below his armpit. Move your left knee underneath his neck.
Now use your right hand against the back of his neck to draw his head towards the right side of your own chest, like bringing a baby to nurse, for a neck crank.

5) Neck Crank #5: Inverted Guillotine from North & South
You have cross side on your opponent's right side, with the "underclasp" grip around his head and left arm (“mune gatame”).
Release his head with your left arm, and grab around his head ‘guillotine-style’ (from his left ear, behind his head, to his right ear, with your hand near your own left ribs/hip).
Circle clockwise until you are at the North & South position, and grab your own right biceps with your left hand.
Squeeze and lean your ribcage to the left against his head for a neck crank / choke.

6) Neck Crank #5 Variation:
You have cross side on your opponent's right side, with the "underclasp" grip around his head and left arm (“mune gatame”).
Switch your hands so your left hand holds onto his left arm and your right hand blocks his right hip on the ground (“overclasp”).
Circle clockwise towards north & south and slide your left arm underneath your opponent’s head going under his left ear.
Grab your own left wrist with your right hand, thumb on the outside, in a sort of reverse guillotine grip. Your torso should still be on the side of his head beside his right ear.
Keep your weight as close to the mat as possible, draw his head in toward you, and turn a little bit onto the left side of your ribs for a tight choke / neck crank.

Comments? Please feel free to point out mistakes, describe tips on the techniques, suggest ways to make the descriptions clearer, etc.
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