What he said!
I predict President Bush's approval rating will drop below 25% nationwide, and below zero in Brooklyn.
I also want to point out that the frequency with which Krugman writes about something other than economics is directly correlated with how screwed up things are in our country.
Dear Litvak,
I am just an innocent blog-reader/carrot farmer who happens to be looking at your blog and other blogs like it. This comment has nothing to do with the article posted above, but your blog seems neat, and it seems to be the type of blog that might attract carrot-eaters. I'd like to subtly encourage your readers to buy more US-grown carrots. www.carrotfarmers.com
Thanks for making a blog that I (a carrot farmer) and other carrot eaters can enjoy. www.carrotfarmersusa.org
I agree, and I'm sure my countless peers do as well. Visit us at www.affordableparrotmassages.com
Litvak!!! You're supposed to be back by now! I want my neck-breaking blog back! [/whine]
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