The Litvak: Dude, Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962. Sudan still has slavery.
OBL: [Racism] is why [the West created] the United Nations and the veto power ... . They regard jihad for the sake of God or defending one's self or his country as an act of terror. US and Europe consider jihad groups in Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq and Afghanistan as terrorist groups, so how could we talk or have understanding with them without using weapons?
The Litvak: Uh, what? What was the jihad group trying to say in Beslan, exactly?
OBL: The ongoing injustice and aggression did not stop in the last nine decades, while all attempts to reclaim our rights and exact justice on the Israeli oppressors, were blocked by the leadership of the Crusaders and Zionists' alliance by using the so-called veto power.
The Litvak: Wow; you're making me wish I had this "veto power." Oh, wait. No. You're saying I do have it. Sweet. Watch your step, everyone!
OBL: [The West's] rejection to Hamas has reaffirmed that they were waging a crusade against Islam.
The Litvak: Uh...
OBL: The US was not satisfied by all the sedition and crimes, but went on to incite sedition, the largest of which was the west Sudan sedition by exploiting some disputes between the tribes and sparking a savage war between them that will spare nothing, prior to sending in Crusader troops to occupy the region and steal its oil wealth under the pretext of peacekeeping.
The Litvak: The U.S. did that? Finally, we're gonna get something out of peacekeeping...
OBL: Our objective is obvious, that is defending Islam, the people and the land but not Khartoum government since our differences with them are so enormous, mostly when it backtracked in implementing the Sharia law and abandoned south Sudan.
The Litvak: Well, I didn't vote for them either, Osama.
OBL: I urge the mujahidin to get acquainted with Darfur state tribes and land and its surroundings, keeping in mind that the region is about to face the rainy season that hampers means of transport.
The Litvak: Thanks for the travel tip! I'll pack galoshes.
OBL: ...This is one of the reasons why the occupation was adjourned for six months. So it is imperative to speed up action and benefit from the time factor by stocking a large amount of landmines and anti-armour grenades such as RPGs [rocket propelled grenades].
The Litvak: Right. I'll stop droppin' bombs all ova' Brooklyn an' save some for Khartoum, yo!
OBL: What was the aim of the pressure against Indonesia by the Crusaders countries until East Timor, 24 hours after a warning by the UN? A Crusader-Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims.
The Litvak: I would never have guessed the answer to that one. Are you saying we have the Hindus on our team now? We are so gonna kick your butt in the next Crusader-Zionist-Hindu v. Umma cricket match. It'll be close, anway.
OBL: With respect to Pakistan, some Muslims have done a good job by assisting their fellow Muslims, God bless them, but the Pashtun tribes must be aided after the Pakistan army devastated their homes in Waziristan in order to satisfy the US.
The Litvak: Come on, everything the people you don't like do is not "to satisfy the U.S."
OBL: What does the silence over Russian atrocities inside Chechnya mean, along with mutilating their bodies by tying them to tanks while the so-called free world gives its blessings and even secretly supports the aggression ? This is a Zionist crusade.
The Litvaks: Yes, the Russians do our bidding. It all makes sense now.
OBL: And the use of depleted uranium, besieging Iraq for years, causing the death of more than one million children which amazed all who had visited Iraq, including the Westerners themselves? It is a malicious crusade against Muslims.
The Litvak: Depleted uranium killed one million Iraqi children? I am amazed.
OBL: What about the continuous cultural domination through the setting up of radio stations and TV channels along with the Voice of America, London and others to continue the cultural domination of Muslims, combat our beliefs, change our values, encourage vice and even interfere with school curricula?
The Litvak: It's all true. First we distract you with the uranium-child-megadeath, then we land the school curriculum change! Wham-BAM!
OBL: I think I'm falling for you, The Litvak.
The Litvak: Gotta go. Take a shower.
ha ha.. loved it
It's s'if you guys were on a talk show. I love it. (both the points and the humor, if there was a difference!)
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