Sunday, December 31, 2006
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Five THOUSAND Visits
Five thousand hits in about two years. Really, it's a testament to you, my throngs of readers.
For those of you who have a difficult time wrapping your mind around a number as large as 5,000, let me make it a little easier.
First, divide by two, because half those hits are probably from me visiting to marvel at my own cleverness.
Then remove another 500 for people who clicked through from Google image search looking for the picture of a goat and another picture of Parker Posey.
Now it's down to a slightly less mind-boggling 2,000 visits (thank you, Google spreadsheets!)
In Biblical times, when people lived to be several hundred years old, many of the most compulsive and brilliant thinkers would spend their entire adult lives counting to see if numbers like 2,000 existed or were merely theoretical. Historical sources tell us many of them went mad, but whether it was due to the endless counting or the consciousness-altering secrets contained in such numbers was never recorded.
Then people died off at around 35 for a few thousand years, and until the invention of computers "one thousand" was still just a story told to scare naughty children.
Now we know that even larger numbers exist-- numbers like a million, and that great worm of naughts and commas, the billion. The consensus among scientists is that there are about a billion things in the universe, give or take 1,000.
And 5,000, give or take 1,000, is how many visits there have been to my blog.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Hang In There!
"Hey, man! No pill is perfect, but this pill can help some! Hang in there, things will turn around. Come on-- would it kill you to at least finish the prescription?"
I Regret That He Has But One Life to Give for His Country
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Ancient Computer Rocks the Classical World
2100 years later, and we're finally almost as cool as the Greeks were then.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006
And Who Will Police The Police?
Gunmen dressed in Iraqi police uniforms and driving what appeared to be official vehicles rounded up scores of people inside a government building here today and drove off with them.***A spokesman for the Ministry of the Interior, which oversees the police, announced on state television several hours afterward that orders had been issued for the arrest of several police commanders who were responsible for the area where the kidnappings took place.The kidnapping prompted an anguished address on the floor of Parliament, carried live on television, by Abed Thiab al-Ajili, the higher education minister and a member of the country's largest Sunni political bloc.Mr. Ajili reported that 100 to 150 people had been taken, including employees and visitors to the building. He said he had repeatedly asked the government for additional security to protect his ministry and members of the university community, who have been under threat since collapse of the Saddam Hussein regime.
Friday, November 10, 2006
It don't take a brain surgeon to piece this one together
Dowd Sizzles, Dubya Fizzles (Memailed)
Poppy Bush and James Baker gave Sonny the presidency to play with and he broke it. So now they're taking it back.****Two trusted members of the Bush 41 war council, Mr. Baker and Robert Gates, have been dispatched to discipline the delinquent juvenile and extricate him from the mother of all messes.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
Teapot D'oh!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Won't You Be My Neighbor?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
Movie Review: The Departed
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
No Time For Losers Cause We Are The Champions
Of course his name makes it pretty likely he's a member of the tribe-- and me without the power to cast him out.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006
That's a Hot Falafel

Silly the Internet.
I'll have to check out that hot falafel-on-pita action at home.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
First you get the money. Then you . . . give back the money.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Then again, there's these guys.

Sunday, September 10, 2006
Even Educated Fleas Do It

Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Thirty Thousand Feet Under the Sea
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Litvak's Law #1
Monday, August 28, 2006
I'll Demote an Axe in Yer Gangly Shanks!

So, tha New York Times says tha International Astronomical Union has "demoted" Pluto to tha status of "dwarf planet."
Demoted, eh?
Well, we Dwarves will nae take this sitting down!
An', nae, I am not sitting down! I'm just short! A short Dwarf! Aye!
An' we don't need a Dwarf Planet. We have Earth, ye smooth-faced, uh, lanky type!
I guess that's all I hae ta say. Apologies to J.R.R. Tolkien, an' to Scotland fer borrowin' yer dialect.
Friday, August 25, 2006
Uncle Mushu's New Book!
If projections being made by some sections of the publishing world are to be believed, the book has all the ingredients of a big hit, and possibly even a best-seller.
Since [supporting the U.S.-led invastion of Afghanistan], he has been perceived by many in West as one of the most liberal and enlightened faces of the Muslim world.
Definitely, yaar. Definitely a solider.Soldier he definitely is, but is Gen Musharraf also a writer?
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Sit Back and Build Up Armies!

"Jack Roy" at the Litotical Construct is all worked up that the GOP wants to goad us into attacking Iran , figuring that that's totally batsh*t insane.
But he hasn't considered the basic military strategy I learned from the game of Risk: "One of the easiest ways to gain armies is to hold continents. If you hold an entire continent for an entire turn, you receive a number of extra armies, which is dependent upon the continent."
So if we hold (not control, mind you-- that's hard) Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran at once, we'll generate, like billions of dollars worth of armies for free! It's like printing money!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Lebanon Link
Friday, August 18, 2006
Bigotry's Cool in Atlanta - former Mayor, U.N. Rep
"You see those are the people who have been overcharging us," he said of the owners of the small stores, "and they sold out and moved to Florida. I think they've ripped off our communities enough. First it was Jews, then it was Koreans and now it's Arabs."
"It never should have been said. I was speaking in the context of Atlanta, and that does not work in New York or Los Angeles."
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Don't Tread on Me
Breakin' Up Is Hard to Do
Split the country up already. Let the Baathists keep Baghdad, give the oil to the Shia and Kurds, keep around 30,000 troops in the Kurdish part to prevent civil war and discourage them from pissing off Turkey.Now former U.S. Ambassador Peter W. Galbraith is saying the same thing:
As an alternative to using Shiite and American troops to fight the insurgency in Iraq's Sunni center, the administration should encourage the formation of several provinces into a Sunni Arab region with its own army, as allowed by Iraq's Constitution. . . . . This would be best accomplished by placing a small "over the horizon" force in Kurdistan.Yes! Yes!!
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Paleobiologists to NFL: Watch out, Sapiens
If the Neanderthal genome were fully recovered, it might in principle be possible to bring the species back from extinction by inserting the Neanderthal genome into a human egg and having volunteers bear Neanderthal infants. There would, however, be great technical and ethical barriers to any such venture.
Friday, July 14, 2006
NYT Gets the Scoop!
Friday, July 07, 2006
The Park Is Mine
I Spent 16 Months In A Secret CIA Prison And All I Got Were These Lousy White Shotes
In prison, Mr. Saidi said, he was interrogated daily, sometimes twice a day, for weeks. Eventually, he said, his interrogators produced an audiotape of the conversation in which he had allegedly talked about planes.But Mr. Saidi said he was talking about tires, not planes, that his brother-in-law planned to sell from Kenya to Tanzania. He said he was mixing English and Arabic and used the word "tirat," making "tire" plural by adding an Arabic "at" sound. Whoever was monitoring the conversation apparently understood the word as "tayarat," Arabic for planes, Mr. Saidi said.
"When I heard it, I asked the Moroccan translator if he understood what we were saying in the recording," Mr. Saidi said. After the Moroccan explained it to the interrogators, Mr. Saidi said, he was never asked about it again.
Man at door: I am ze Viper.Person inside: Who?!Man at door: I am ze Viper!Person inside: WHO?!Man at door: I am ze VIPER!! I come to vipe ze vindows!
Monday, July 03, 2006
All The Lonely People
Y Unearthed
Saturday, July 01, 2006
You Say Tomato / I Say Harpoono
Monday, June 26, 2006
Transfer Here for B, D, Q, Harpooning
Thursday, June 22, 2006
Say It Ain't So, Joe
I do enjoy OOTS. OOTS-- Order of the Stick?
Hello? You have been checking out my links, right?
(they're on the right)
Well, OOTS is this geeky web comic strip by Rich Burlew about Dungeons & Dragons characters who know they are D&D characters and make comments about the game's rules, the conventions and clichés of the game, &c. Very dorky.
For every D&D joke I get, I receive one demerit. I've promised myself I'll offset those points somehow:
- One (1) merit: Throw one game-winning touchdown.
- One (1) merit: Give a swirlie to a talented math student.
- One (1) merit: Crash my car into the home of the administrator of an educational institution after a romantic liaison with the homecoming queen (1.5 merits if she is the administrator's daughter).
Uh, back to the topic.
Then there's the Book of Ratings by Lore Sjöberg. He makes (made, alas) lists of things in categories ( e.g., "D&D Monsters"), describes (okay, I'm in denial . . . made) them with comic derision and assigns (can't ... employ ... proper tense) letter grades. Genius. Also quite dorky. But it is actually much funnier than OOTS, even if it lacks OOTS's winning combination of a psychopathic hobbit and hit dice jokes.
And so I was quite conflicted when I revisited a favorite BOR entry and recognized a recent OOTS joke -- lifted from a BOR entry.
Burlew must have just forgotten where he saw the owlbear joke first-- it's not that original, I guess plenty of people have thunk it (though BOR's "Umber Hulk" description will live forever for its quote-- "OW MY HIT POINTS!"...).
Watch out for the hawklion! Beware the vulturetiger! Don't worry too much about the sparrowspaniel.
The dreaded bunnywolf? The ferocious penguinlion? Perhaps the terrible ducksnake?

Say it ain't so, Joe.
Antigravity Acrobats
Stupid Server Tricks
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Y: The Last Man
Monday, June 19, 2006
Investment Opportunities in New Beachfront Property!
Joys of Firm Life # 1: Mr. and Mrs. Bear-Shark
Thursday, June 15, 2006
Deep Thoughts
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Lawrence Laughs
Liberty protects the person from unwarranted government intrusions into a dwelling or other private places. In our tradition the State is not omnipresent in the home. And there are other spheres of our lives and existence, outside the home, where the State should not be a dominant presence. Freedom extends beyond spatial bounds. Liberty presumes an autonomy of self that includes freedom of thought, belief, expression, and certain intimate conduct. The instant case involves liberty of the person both in its spatial and more transcendent dimensions.
Had those who drew and ratified the Due Process Clauses of the Fifth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment known the components of liberty in its manifold possibilities, they might have been more specific.
And That Rhymes With "P" and That Stands for Poker!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
3-Day Weekend Recap
Friday night I came home with Tenderfoot and packed up my stuff.
Saturday morning, the movers came (several hours early) and trucked me off to my new place. Three Chinese guys with a truck and shoulders like Bluto-- they rocked.
Cable guy came by and hooked me up with the Internet.
Unpacked a little; bought some stuff at the hardware store, including two gallons of primer and a barbecue grill.
Saw a big film crew shooting part of Spider-Man 3 outside my office (roll film - drop desk from a crane - Ordinary New Yorkers #s 1-47 run around in panic).
Dragged three big boxes of TF's stuff from her old apartment to her new one.
Lugged the cans of primer over to the old apartment.
Sold my old coffee table to a couple from Park Slope.
Painted over several walls of my old place with primer.
Saw X-Men 3 (one word review: "Eh." Also, The Whaler wasn't in this one, either.)
Baked a birthday cake for Tenderfoot.
Held a rooftop Memorial Day barbecue / TF's birthday party at my old apartment. Grilled food, was grilled by sun. My thanks to the many wonderful friends came by-- sorry to any reading this for spending most of my time over the coals!
Gave TF birthday presents that I think she actually liked (I dread gift-giving).
Stopped by my folks' place.
Cleaned and moved most of the remaining stuff to the new apartment. My old landlord's on my case because he says the garbage men won't pick up anything from the curb that's not in a trash bag (like the frame from my old papasan chair). I told him I don't have a hatchet or saw, so whaddayawantfrommylife? Maybe I'll throw the chair frame under the wheels of the garbage truck to make the pieces baggable.
It was great. Hope your weekend was as nice as mine.
Thursday, May 25, 2006
Child of Brangelina
Namibia, a country half the size of Alaska, is rich in diamonds and strategic metals, but most of its 1.8 million people are poor.
2006 Greatest Flag Ever Award

X3: Spoiler Trailer
Actually, I'm moving Saturday, so I'll probably wait until Sunday.
But I can't wait to complain about the posters.
I admit that I like looking at Famke Janssen as much as the next guy, which is to say, I might not notice my clothes had caught fire if she were asking me for the time. Which would be an excellent kind of superpower, but evidently, her character's powers in the X-Men movies include telekenesis and the ability to, well, resurrect herself from the dead.
Which are also good superpowers. I mean, "mutations." Far superior, as mutations, to albinoism or hemophelia.
But why couldn't they have let me find out* from watching the movie?
Instead, I see Janssen all over the movie posters. And I remember distinctly from the heart-rending climax of X2 that she nobly sacrificed herself by telekenesis-ing a stealth fighter containing her pals from out of the path of a recently un-dammed body of water and was drowned.
Or should I say, drowned-ish. Of course, if she could move a plane off the ground and hold back a raging river with her mind, it really didn't make sense that she couldn't do the same thing from inside the plane .
Unless she just wanted to wash her hair and play possum until the sequel. Sigh. I feel so manipulated.
The Lord of the Rings guys managed to keep it under their hats that you-know-who** was coming back in the second film; why couldn't 20th Century Fox follow their lead?
*Okay, I admit it. I knew about the Jean Grey = Phoenix thing from the Marvel comics. But it's the principle involved, yeah?
**Long beard, pointy hat...
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Litvak Update
Tuesday, May 02, 2006
False Economy
Monday, May 01, 2006
Monday, April 24, 2006
Planet of the Apes - Life Imitates Art
Sunday, April 23, 2006
OBL and Me Don't Always See Eye to Eye
The Litvak: Dude, Saudi Arabia abolished slavery in 1962. Sudan still has slavery.
OBL: [Racism] is why [the West created] the United Nations and the veto power ... . They regard jihad for the sake of God or defending one's self or his country as an act of terror. US and Europe consider jihad groups in Palestine, Chechnya, Iraq and Afghanistan as terrorist groups, so how could we talk or have understanding with them without using weapons?
The Litvak: Uh, what? What was the jihad group trying to say in Beslan, exactly?
OBL: The ongoing injustice and aggression did not stop in the last nine decades, while all attempts to reclaim our rights and exact justice on the Israeli oppressors, were blocked by the leadership of the Crusaders and Zionists' alliance by using the so-called veto power.
The Litvak: Wow; you're making me wish I had this "veto power." Oh, wait. No. You're saying I do have it. Sweet. Watch your step, everyone!
OBL: [The West's] rejection to Hamas has reaffirmed that they were waging a crusade against Islam.
The Litvak: Uh...
OBL: The US was not satisfied by all the sedition and crimes, but went on to incite sedition, the largest of which was the west Sudan sedition by exploiting some disputes between the tribes and sparking a savage war between them that will spare nothing, prior to sending in Crusader troops to occupy the region and steal its oil wealth under the pretext of peacekeeping.
The Litvak: The U.S. did that? Finally, we're gonna get something out of peacekeeping...
OBL: Our objective is obvious, that is defending Islam, the people and the land but not Khartoum government since our differences with them are so enormous, mostly when it backtracked in implementing the Sharia law and abandoned south Sudan.
The Litvak: Well, I didn't vote for them either, Osama.
OBL: I urge the mujahidin to get acquainted with Darfur state tribes and land and its surroundings, keeping in mind that the region is about to face the rainy season that hampers means of transport.
The Litvak: Thanks for the travel tip! I'll pack galoshes.
OBL: ...This is one of the reasons why the occupation was adjourned for six months. So it is imperative to speed up action and benefit from the time factor by stocking a large amount of landmines and anti-armour grenades such as RPGs [rocket propelled grenades].
The Litvak: Right. I'll stop droppin' bombs all ova' Brooklyn an' save some for Khartoum, yo!
OBL: What was the aim of the pressure against Indonesia by the Crusaders countries until East Timor, 24 hours after a warning by the UN? A Crusader-Zionist-Hindu war against Muslims.
The Litvak: I would never have guessed the answer to that one. Are you saying we have the Hindus on our team now? We are so gonna kick your butt in the next Crusader-Zionist-Hindu v. Umma cricket match. It'll be close, anway.
OBL: With respect to Pakistan, some Muslims have done a good job by assisting their fellow Muslims, God bless them, but the Pashtun tribes must be aided after the Pakistan army devastated their homes in Waziristan in order to satisfy the US.
The Litvak: Come on, everything the people you don't like do is not "to satisfy the U.S."
OBL: What does the silence over Russian atrocities inside Chechnya mean, along with mutilating their bodies by tying them to tanks while the so-called free world gives its blessings and even secretly supports the aggression ? This is a Zionist crusade.
The Litvaks: Yes, the Russians do our bidding. It all makes sense now.
OBL: And the use of depleted uranium, besieging Iraq for years, causing the death of more than one million children which amazed all who had visited Iraq, including the Westerners themselves? It is a malicious crusade against Muslims.
The Litvak: Depleted uranium killed one million Iraqi children? I am amazed.
OBL: What about the continuous cultural domination through the setting up of radio stations and TV channels along with the Voice of America, London and others to continue the cultural domination of Muslims, combat our beliefs, change our values, encourage vice and even interfere with school curricula?
The Litvak: It's all true. First we distract you with the uranium-child-megadeath, then we land the school curriculum change! Wham-BAM!
OBL: I think I'm falling for you, The Litvak.
The Litvak: Gotta go. Take a shower.
Wednesday, April 12, 2006
DNA, SchmeeNA
Israeli authorities have so far denied John Haedrich what he calls his genetic birthright to citizenship without converting to Judaism. Under Israel's "law of return," only Jews may immigrate to Israel without special dispensation.Mr. Haedrich, a nursing home director who was raised a Christian, found through a DNA ancestry test that he bears a genetic signature commonly found among Jews. He says his European ancestors may have hidden their faith for fear of persecution.
Rabbis, too, have disavowed the claim: "DNA, schmeeNA," Mr. Haedrich, 44, said the rabbi at a local synagogue in Los Angeles told him when he called to discuss it.
Undeterred, Mr. Haedrich has hired a lawyer to sue the Israeli government.
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Friedman's Asian Immigrant Fetish
Gated Community: When it comes to immigration, Friedman wants "a very high fence, with a very big gate." That means tamperproof ID cards, which are like a fence you keep in your pocket if you want health care.Sports Team: Talented foreigners are "first-round intellectual draft choices."Ye Age of Talente: We now live in the "Talent Age, and countries that make it easy to draw in human talent will have a distinct advantage today."Immigrants --> Cool Toys: Switzerland's most famous invention is the lowly cuckoo clock because it is difficult to immigrate to Switzerland. I suppose our most famous invention is the hamburger because we were savvy enough to open our shores...Asian Immigrants are Economic Viagra: The "huge pent-up aspirations" of China and India are like a shaken Champagne bottle -- "Don't get in the way of that cork. Immigrants keep that kind of energy flowing in America's veins." Friedman is silent about what kind of wonder drug non-Asian immigrants might be.
Thursday, March 30, 2006
Reading Newspaper May Cause Stupidity, Foaming at Mouth
The anti-immigration crowd says this country is under assault. But if that's so, we're under assault by people who love their children.
Thursday, March 23, 2006
In a world. On a plane. With snakes on it.
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Sunday, March 19, 2006
Monday, March 13, 2006
Hello there, Widdoo Killa'!

Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Sh*t Sandwich in Iraq
NYT's excellent Robert F. Worth (husband of a friend of mine) reports that-- if I may borrow from "Full Metal Jacket" and paraphrase Worth-- the situation in Iraq is a sh*t sandwich, and we've all got to take a bite.
Everyone in Baghdad seems to be either in the Green Zone, blowing up civilians, or is a civilian getting blown up in a line for a job, kerosene, or whatever.
As I said about two months ago:
Split the country up already. Let the Baathists keep Baghdad, give the oil to the Shia and Kurds, keep around 30,000 troops in the Kurdish part to prevent civil war and discourage them from pissing off Turkey.There's going to be massive dislocation, but, I mean, a committment to creating a democracy that incorporates the Sunnis and the Shiites is looking pretty naive.
I don't think Iraqis are stupid.
And an Iraqi who voted for someone who's espousing liberal democracy &c., rather than protecting members of his sect from mosque-bombing fanatics, would have to be stupid.
Democracy among groups that don't want to murder each other seems moderately feasible, but this? Narishkeit.
Hmm. Looking back on the page, I see I've strayed into politics.
Fine, then.
I do have a less political question for this post--
Has anyone noticed that the ratio of dead:wounded in these bombings always seems to be about 1:4.5?
Any grisly theories to explain it?
Monday, February 27, 2006
The Manticore Eyes You Tenderly...

The night's dungeon master, Rich, tax director for a New York City company, would not divulge his last name out of what he described as professional discretion. "I play because I have a very creative mind and a very noncreative job," he said (though some tax experts might disagree). "So the game helps me balance it out. There is no creativity at the computer, because you're limited by what the programmers thought you might do. Here in person, I can react dynamically to the players and craft an adventure specifically for them."
Sam Weiss, 41, from the Bronx, leaned over a few dice and the erasable grid on the table that players use to lay out combat scenarios with miniature figures. "Computer games are inherently limited because they only give you a set number of options," he said. "In a game like this, what we can do is limited only by our minds."
Friday, February 24, 2006
I'd've Called it the "Lesser Litvak's Beaver-Otter"

Wednesday, February 15, 2006
What's Dark and Purple and Full of Torture?
The prisoner-abuse scandal has been acutely embarrassing for the United States military, whose members are taught to treat prisoners with respect. The incidents at Abu Ghraib were considered especially damaging to the United States' image among Iraqi civilians and in the wider Arab world, where nudity is disdained.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Elements of Strategy #1: Don't Start a Pissing Match You Can't Win
Monday, February 06, 2006
This Is Not a Time for You to Be Speaking
Proclaiming "I am al Qaeda," Zacarias Moussaoui [ed: the suspected 9/11 hijacker who couldn't make it that day] was removed from the courtroom as jury selection began Monday at a trial to determine whether he should be executed for terror conspiracy.***
The disruption began with Moussaoui protesting that he did not want to be represented by his defense attorneys.
"I am al Qaeda. They do not represent me. They are Americans," Moussaoui objected.
U.S. District Court Judge Leonie M. Brinkema told Moussaoui that "this was not a time for him to be speaking."
About 120 prospective jurors who witnessed the outburst sat in silence.
After the interruption, Brinkema told potential jurors to note on their questionnaires if they thought Moussaoui's actions might influence their decision-making.
Friday, February 03, 2006
The Wages of Sin Is Now $145,000 a Year Before Bonus
Thursday, February 02, 2006
I'm Rich!
He's promised me a cut of several million dollars if I help him in some unspecified way to move the money to the U.S.
I'm embarrassed to say I believed he was a scam artist, but now I know he was telling the truth when he said his poisoned father bequeathed him a bunch of money and told him to flee to the States and,
Why do I believe? Because today he e-mailed me this:

Looks legit to me. Where do I mail my bank account number?
Sunday, January 29, 2006
You Got Your Chocolate in My Peanut Butter!
Yet even as Haiti prepares to pick its first elected president since the rebellion two years ago, questions linger about the circumstances of Mr. Aristide's ouster — and especially why the Bush administration, which has made building democracy a centerpiece of its foreign policy in Iraq and around the world, did not do more to preserve it so close to its shores .
Friday, January 20, 2006
Thursday, January 19, 2006
OBL to US: Surrender!
As he puts it in his new recorded message:
My message to you is about the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and how to end them.
A mass murderer and a policy wonk? Where does he find the time? Well, go on...
And I say that, despite all the barbaric methods [of the U.S.], they have not broken the fierceness of the resistance.Well, not to touch on a sore point, OBL, but they did break the fierceness of a few of your pals vacationing in Waziristan...
The mujahideen, thank God, are increasing in number and strength - so much so that reports point to the ultimate failure and defeat of the unlucky quartet of Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld and Wolfowitz."Unlucky quartet." That's awesome. It'd be a great band name. Can I use that? Really? You're the best.
We don't mind offering you a long-term truce on fair conditions that we adhere to. We are a nation that God has forbidden to lie and cheat. So both sides can enjoy security and stability under this truce so we can build Iraq and Afghanistan, which have been destroyed in this war. There is no shame in thisYou're all sunshine today! A truce with al-Qaeda. Well, that sounds interesting. Peace, fairness, no shame. Maybe we can sign the treaty in New York, it'll be all hugs and ticker-tape parades. Let's talk about the fair condi...
You have occupied our lands, offended our honor and dignity and let out our blood and stolen our money and destroyed our houses and played with our security and we will give you the same treatment.Whoa! Hold your horses there, compadre! And, uh, buy a comma. We're trying to surrender. Now I believe you were talking about this "truce" option...
You have tried to prevent us from leading a dignified life, but you will not be able to prevent us from a dignified death. Failing to carry out jihad, which is called for in our religion, is a sin. The best death to us is under the shadows of swords.You know, it really doesn't project a desire for peace when you talk that way. And I don't get what's so dignified about being dismembered by cutlery. What's second best, "mauled by a bear?" That's only slightly less dignified. Besides, a more technologically apt metaphor in your particular case would be to say that "the best death for us is to explode without warning into a blood-red mist."
Don't let your strength and modern arms fool you. They win a few battles but lose the war. Patience and steadfastness are much better. We were patient in fighting the Soviet Union with simple weapons for 10 years and we bled their economy and now they are nothing. In that there is a lesson for you.Litvak (calling out across Tora Bora): Okay-ay! O.B. E-EL! You were right!
[SFX: silence]
Litvak (still yelling, cupping hands to mouth): I've abandoned my strength and modern arms! In what you said there was a lesson for me!
[SFX: crickets chirp]
Litvak: Come out and show me your steadfastness, I wanna win wars an' stuff!
Dammit, he's right. I'm never gonna get a chance to use my Barrett 50 Caliber Rifle.

...I guess I need a new hobby.
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
This Is Power Politics, Not Sharing Time in Preschool
This, by the way, is a good place to pause and explain to readers who
will write in wondering why the United States will tolerate an Israeli nuclear
force but not an Iranian one. The answer is simple. Israel will probably not
blow up New York. That's why the United States doesn't mind Israel having
nukes and does mind Iran having them. Is that fair? This is power politics, not
sharing time in preschool. End of digression.
Friday, January 13, 2006
Prejudice Map!

Thursday, January 12, 2006
The Wages of ... Hastiness ... is Death?
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Close Contact of the Unspecified Kind
From the article:
The group includes two sets of brothers: the two who show no symptoms at all,Uh, he is going to get such a ribbing from his friends because of this.
and a set from the distant suburbs who developed mild symptoms after contact
with gloves that had been used to dispose of a dead duck. The fifth is a
65-year-old man from inside the city itself, who the Turkish health ministry
says had "close contact with a chicken," without elaborating on the